ACCESS is managed by 3 staff members with CSIR support for our operations.
Dr Neville Sweijd
is the ACCESS Director. Dr Sweijd completed his PhD in 2000 in marine sciences at the University of Cape Town. He has held several senior positions in the CSIR, as the Director of the BENEFIT programme in Namibia (now the Benguela Current Convention) and at the University of the Western Cape. He is the deputy-President of the Scientific Committee on Problems in the Environment (SCOPE), and the Editor-in-Chief of Environmental Development. He has several research interests generally associated with changing seasonality and extreme events as they manifest in the marine sector and in human health.
Tel: +27(0)21 6583992
Dr Carl Palmer
is currently the ACCESS National Education and Training Manager. He holds a Ph.D in Atmospheric Chemistry from the University of York, UK (2006) and completed his postdoctoral studies at the University of Cape Town (2007-2011). During his time at The University of Cape Town, Dr Palmer worked in collaboration with Prof George Philander to develop the Habitable Planet Workshops (HPW); these form a key part of the ACCESS Education Programmes. DC, as the Planeteers (alumni from the HPW) call him, has multiple peer-reviewed publications in both science and education journals, and authored several chapters in the SAGE Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change.
Tel: +27(0)21 65839951
Email: cpalmer@access.ac.za.
Ms Thuli (Pretty) Nkosi
is the ACCESS Administrator who assists both the ACCESS programme and other groups at the CSIR. She holds a postgraduate diploma in Project Management and has over 15 years’ experience in administration and quality assurance, specifically focusing on ISO 9001:2015 and has worked in government, consulting engineering and property development industry in the project management discipline.
Tel: +27 (0)21 6583994
Email: PNkosi2@csir.co.za