
University Partners

Cape Peninsula University of Technology

CPUT partnered with ACCESS to co-host Habitable Planet Workshops in December 2011 and  June 2016. They were also the hosts of the 2020 HPW leadership training. 

Contact person: Rendani Mulaudzi.

University of Cape Town

The University of Cape Town is home to many departmental and research unit/groups that continue to play a role in ACCESS. These include staff at the Department of Oceanography, Department of Biological Sciences, Department of Statistics including Modelling and Simulation Hub, Africa and Centre for Statistics in Ecology, the Environment and Conservation, the Department of Public Health, the Department of Environmental and Geographical Science (including the Climate Science Analysis Group and the African Climate Development Institute. We also acknowledge the role of Professor Mathieu Rouault who was an ACCESS stalwart until his untimely passing in January 2023. 

University of Fort Hare 

ACCESS works on several projects and activities at UFH, mainly with the UFH Risk and Vulnerability Science Center.  UFH partnered with ACCESS to co-host Habitable Planet Workshops in Alice in July 2011 (jointly with Rhodes University) and at the East London campus in July 2019. The UFH HPW Staff Rep is  Dr Slindile Miya

Contact person: Professor Leocadia Zhou

University of the Free State

UFS partnered with ACCESS to co-host Habitable Planet Workshops in July 2012 and June 2022. ACCESS also has research partners based at UFS.

Contact Person: Dr Adriaan Van der Walt.

University of KwaZulu-Natal 

UKZN partnered with ACCESS on a number of research projects and as co-host Habitable Planet Workshops in July 2015 (together with the University of Zululand), July 1017 (in PMB), June 2018 (In PMB), December 2020 (in PMB), December 2021 (in the KZN Midlands) and in June 2023 (St Lucia). 

The UKZN HPW staff representative is Dr Kabir Peerbhay: Kabir.Peerbhay@sappi.com. The HPW Student Representative for KZN is registered at UKZN, Lufaidah Adam: lufaidah@gmail.com

University of Limpopo

The University of Limpopo, its' Risk and Vulnerability Science Center, Department of Geography and Environmental studies, have partnered with ACCESS on several research projects and as co-hosted Habitable Planet Workshops in August 2021. The HPW staff representative is Frederick Mashao

Contact person: Professor Kingsley Ayisi; Professor Hector Chickoore.

Rhodes University 

ACCESS has worked with Rhodes University on several projects and activities. RU partnered with ACCESS to co-host Habitable Planet Workshops in July 2011, June 2012 and July 2022. 

Contact person: Professor Brad Ripley.

University of Venda

The University of Venda partnered with ACCESS to co-host Habitable Planet Workshops in June 2014 and July 2023.  The HPW Student Representative for Limpopo is based at The University of Venda, Nduvho Milliscent Tshidumo - millicentshidumo97@gmail.com .

Walter Sisulu University

WSU partnered with ACCESS to co-host Habitable Planet Workshops in June 2012 (jointly with Rhodes University). The WSU staff representative for HPW is Zanele Xelelo - xelelozanele@gmail.com.

University of the Western Cape

ACCESS works with several researchers at UWC on a variety of projects in the Department of Biodiversity and Conservation Biology. and Institute for Water Studies. The official launch of ACCESS was held here. The University of the Western Cape partnered with ACCESS to co-host Habitable Planet Workshops in December 2012 and in August 2021. The Western Cape HPW student representative is based at UWC, Tshepiso Coral Mafole - coralradebe@gmail.com

Contact: Professor AJ Smit.

University of the Witwatersrand 

ACCESS partners with the Global Change Institute and the School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies on a number of projects and activities. Wits partnered with ACCESS to co-host Habitable Planet Workshops in June 2013.

Contact person: Professor Francois Engelbrecht, Professor Jennifer Fitchett.

University of Zululand

ACCESS works with the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies and UniZulu has partnered with ACCESS to co-host Habitable Planet Workshops in June 2015 (jointly with UKZN). The HPW staff representative for the university is Professor Fabian Nde Fon

Contact person: Professor Nkanyiso Mbatha

University of Pretoria

ACCESS works closely with the University of Pretoria's Department of Geography, Geoinformatics & Meteorology, and Department of Statistics, and School of Health Systems and Public Health.  The University of Pretoria partnered with ACCESS to co-host Habitable Planet Workshops in  June 2011 and July 2019 (jointly with the University of Johannesburg).  

Contact person: Professor Willem Landman